Armadillo Adaptability

The Foxy Armadillos

This daredevil armadillo children's book fires up armadillo adaptability. Small changes make big differences.

Fast moves and group efforts save a farm family's home and bring friends up to speed with this unusual animal.

This shows the Foxy Armadillo Landlubbers.
Explore Armadillo Adaptability

Armadillos, whales, porpoises and dolphins are mammals. They have lungs and nurse their babies. They look bald, but they have hair at some time in life.

Most fish use swim bladders to go up or down. Armadillos sink or float with stomach and intestine gas. Water-going armadillos hold their breath for six minutes. People may last for two.

Armadillo babies in a litter are of the same sex. They are called “pups”, like baby rays and sharks. At birth, the pups' armor is soft, like baby stingrays' stingers.

As with sharks, armadillo birth can be put on hold. Delaying delivery can avoid bad conditions and improve the pups' survival.

Armadillos eat plants and animals, dead or alive. As with sharks, when these diners go after food, items of beauty get destroyed.

Armadillos are fast. Like members of the ray family, they prefer to flee. Why hide or curl into balls? They move faster than most rays. Their speed bursts rival some sharks.

In addition to sensitive noses and ears, armadillos have wiry hairs on their sides and bellies to aid navigation in the dark. Some people call these "curb feelers".

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Armadillo Video

This video cracks open the grit behind foxy armadillo flexibility. Few of the words, but all of the animations, were developed from illustrations in the book, which is in the bookstore. (47 seconds)

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Right click on "My Day of Adaptability" to save it in full size. Track changes for growth, safety and better living.

Help the Goopy Ghost of Halloween add safety to this celebration of pumpkins, ghosts and costumes.

This downloadable Adaptability Journal Page is designed for everyday use.