Books for Kids

Epic Books for Kids

Little Ray’s epic nature books show the struggles of animals that some people love to hate. Future generations can change this sad dynamic.

These books teach nature appreciation and build courage, confidence, empathy, self-awareness and imagination.

Our epic books motivate change. Help learning centers discover them. Read and donate them in your communities.


Opening a Window to Nature

Fly across the bay. Confront sharks. Uncover armadillo and raccoon surprises. Our books for kids safely bring animals close.

Our characters raise discussion and motivate kids to work and learn to perform useful work for the planet.

A grandmother reported reading The Amazing Flight of Little Ray to her autistic grandson at bedtime. When she checked on him, his new friend was off the bookshelf sweetening dreams.

A teacher found a classroom reading aloud of The Amazing Flight of Little Ray to be a behavior-changing adventure. It sparked the first-ever verbal response from a special needs student.

Rhyming Little Ray Children's Books are used by early learners and learners of English as a second language to master the irregular pronunciation and spelling of words. Drills are boring.

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Clean Fishing

The ways animals fish hold lessons in compassion.

One half of the United States is under water.

Together we can improve the oceans' future.

Explore Animals From Their Viewpoint

Save Animals

Ocean life is disappearing. According to the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA), Oceanic Whitetip Sharks, Giant Manta Rays and five species of turtles are endangered.

Ray's Reading Rates extend to videos

Little Ray makes it clear that people can save wild animals from many abuses by following the boundaries that animals set for themselves.

Spread News about Habits for Habitats

Help scientific literacy programs discover our practical, nature-based adventures of environmental impact for child education.

Reading Video

Explore the ocean with Little Ray Books for Kids.

Find The Magic of Reading Videos on Ray's Reading Rates.

Be sure to visit our Little Ray Children's Books YouTube channel.

This is the cover of The Amazing Flight of Little Ray by V. R. Duin.

Tell Others

Donations, book sales and grants help us send these books to other nonprofits with educational missions.

Nature, community and literacy centers accept book donations. Help your favorite cause receive our books for kids.

Advance reading and animal appreciation in your community with our behavior-changing, nature adventures.

Little Ray’s rhyming stories use the power of art to promote social change and inspire critical thought and empathy.